Golf Fundraiser Event


The Ocala District Church of God by Faith will be hosting its Third Annual Golf Challenge Fundraiser Event. Churches, participants, and sponsors are able to register, and remit donations here. Your funds will be used primarily to impact our youth and young adults through scholarships and other educational support mechanisms made available to them as well as being nurtured in a faith-based environment.


There are three levels of sponsorship opportunities listed below. Each sponsor will receive by request a sign with logo and/or desired wordage to be prominently displayed at the event venue. (Signage request deadline May 21st, 2025)

  1. Silver Sponsor: $250.00
  2. Gold Sponsor: $ 500.00
  3. Platinum Sponsor: $1,000.00


We appreciate your one-time donation as it will help support future excellence in education for our younger generation and further the cause of the Gospel.


Tee off with us to Support and Promote Excellence in Education for Our Future Generations!

2024 Silver Sponsor